Monday, February 4, 2013

Lumpini Park

Initially we were dissuaded from going to this park by a local because of criminals he said.  But, since we vowed to try as many new things on this trip as possible and the further out of our comfort zone the better, I woke early to go running there.  Maybe the biggest surprise of the trip.  Lumpini looks exactly like a tropical version of New York's Central Park.  Extremely clean and completely absent of vagrants or anyone not exercising for that matter. Everyone from 18 to 80 was doing some sort of what seemed to be a daily routine of exercise.  Huge groups of 50-100 like dressed people doing Thai chi in unicent like something you might see on a Bruce Lee flick.  People ballroom dancing, practicing with swords and staffs, or just walking through the laberinth of roads around and over a series of lakes and canals. Best of all, adult sized playground equipment. No joke. Be honest with yourself, why did you really stop playing on the jungle gym? This was all going on before 7am. I felt borring and kind of silly just jogging around without having some awesome high kick or leg sweep to add in every so often.(I refrained) Swimming through the lake are 5foot monitor lizards. This might explain the lack of squirrels here. That or we have been eating them. Yoga with some fantastically cheesy music. Just missed the conclusion of the massive yoga session of no less than 200.

                            Monitor lizard walking next to me. No one seemed to mind them, but I'm pretty sure one of these things occasionally attacks Japan.  "I don't trust you either buddy."

Swimming lizard. That's a first for me.
 World's first recumbent bike

You know you want to try it.

 World's first elliptical.

The Gazelle

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